
Tarot of Oppositions

By Pierluca Zizzi and Michele D’Aloisio, Ed. Lo Scarabeo


© Anna The Traveller

“Duality: Good and Bad – Light and Dark – Negative and Positive – Active and Passive – Receptive and Assertive. Everything has its opposite. In the Tarot, this happens in the context of each card, as the interpretation leads the reader to see each Arcanum from different points of view, adopting a yin-yang vision of each answer, as well as of each question…”

This is the introduction to the Tarot of Oppositions by its publishing house Lo Scarabeo. Description that fully reflects the atmosphere and intent with which this wonderful tarot deck was designed by the skilful pen of Pierluca Zizzi and art of Michele D’Aloisio.

© Anna The Traveller

Of all the tarot decks I own, this is the one I love the most to this day. Its conformation inspired by Duality, also in its evocative illustrations, allows a clear and accurate reading of both directions of each card. Each card is in fact divided in two: the upper image describes the positive, active, receptive aspect of the card, while the lower image the negative, passive, assertive one.

For instance, the evocative card of the Hermit – portrayed also on the deck’s beautiful ‘dual’ box – shows the Hermit both in his role as a luminous, wise guide, and lantern in the dark, and – in the lower side – in his Shadow aspect of excessive introspection, reluctance, fatigue.

© Anna The Traveller

This useful approach is taken up also in the accompanying booklet, rich in meanings and interpretations for each of the 78 cards, as well as reading and spread suggestions. The first advice is to mix the cards not only with each other, but by turning their direction over and over again, in order to activate both their aspects.

My favourite cards? Certainly, the High Priestess, evocative and mysterious with her crescent moon; the Queen of Wands, in her innocent and sensual aspect at the same time; the Four of Cups, meditative and full of hidden meanings; and the Star, immersed in the darkness of the night, in the duality of taking and giving.

© Anna The Traveller

A perfect tarot deck for the Autumn Equinox now upon us, and I promote it with flying colours. If you would like to purchase it, you can find it on Lo Scarabeo website, and at selected retailers.

To book a tarot reading with me, you can contact me by email at or on my social media channels, Instagram and Facebook, where you can also follow all my activities and offerings.

Until next time!

Anna 💜