


Divination, journey, intuition, and discovery: this is to me the true essence and magic of oracular reading. Runes, tarot and cards are none other than symbols, signs and archetypes whose tradition delves deep into the most ancient folds of history.

I started reading tarot and cards at the age of 14. They are the magical and energetic channel to which I felt called and attracted since I was a child. Still today, oracular reading is my most powerful medium through which I accompany people on their journey of discovery and rediscovery.

Over time I expanded my horizons, getting ever more drawn to oracle cards – one deck for every country I have visited around the world! – and to runes, as I lived in Iceland and Northern Europe for 10 years.

Beyond the Veil of Avalon: My personalised divination consultation

If you are looking for your way or you have lost it, if you are at a crossroads or looking for answers, if you want to bring to light what blocks you in your most authentic being, and transform it into a path of awareness and personal growth, towards new opportunities and new openings…

For you I created Beyond The Veil of Avalon, my personalised consultation of divination and oracular reading.

What it is and how it works:

Beyond the Veil of Avalon is a 1 hour online consultation, via Skype, Zoom, Messenger, or WhatsApp, in which we will explore the key aspects of your previous experience, your current need, and the possible developments of your journey. Listening to your voice and your feeling, I will choose for you the oracular tools most in line with your deepest needs. This journey of exploration will be centered on your essence, uniqueness, strengths and food for thought to work on, to clarify and reveal the best version of you and, above all, to walk on the path of transformation and realisation, towards the manifestation of your dreams.

What will you get from Beyond the Veil of Avalon consultation?

  • A personalised, clear oracular consultation centered on your true essence
  • A guided exploration of your experiences, to highlight your strengths and any knots to untie
  • A concrete vision of your present and a new awareness of you and your desires
  • A look at the path in front of you and concrete suggestions for taking a sure and proactive step towards your goal
  • Food for thought and reading keys to implement the intuitions received
  • An improved awareness and knowledge of yourself and your most authentic nature
  • A renewed clarity and understanding of your personal, interpersonal and relationship dynamics
  • A new energy to share with enthusiasm, serenity, self-confidence, and confidence in your potential

Gift yourself with a bespoke ‘Beyond the Veil of Avalon’ divination session by clicking HERE.


Would you like to embark on a journey together, and discover what lies beyond the veil?

Contact me!

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