
Aura-Soma and the Alchemy of Colour

A journey into the ethereal world of Aura-Soma, through aromas, crystals, colour, and magic

Among all the different wellbeing and centering methods and tools that I use daily on myself and others, I believe that the wonderful world of Aura-Soma is the one I love the most.

I still remember when my dear friend and sister Simona of Yoga Room Milano, during an aperitif many years ago, pulled her Pomander Pink out of her purse… and from there on a whole new world opened up for me!

© Anna The Traveller

From that day onwards I started exploring the Aura-Soma system all across, particularly appreciating Pomanders and Quintessences, which I use both on myself, and during healing sessions, energy and chakra rebalancing, and aura cleansingReiki, crystal healing, aromatherapy, Womb Blessing and Womb Healing, and much more.

To date I own over 20 types of Aura-Soma, in all their wonderful colours, perfumes, and infused crystals, and I am especially grateful to the Chalice Well shop in Rome and to the Legnani Pharmacy and Herbalist in Milan for their constant dedication and information on this kaleidoscopic system.

© Anna The Traveller

But let’s get to it: what is Aura-Soma? Aura-Soma is a method born in 1983 from the intuition of Vicky Wall, British pharmacist and alchemist, which holistically combines the properties of colour, crystals, essential oils, water and, ultimately, nature. All of these are expertly infused and mixed in each bottle to respond to different states of mind, personalities, situations, needs in one’s life, and to each chakra.

There are different formulations, and the most famous are undoubtedly the Equilibrium, Pomander, and Quintessence range. Equilibrium are wonderful bi-color oil formulations, which are applied directly to the skin. The Pomanders, my absolute favourites, are alcoholic formulations: three drops are enough to clean, rebalance and re-energise your aura. More recently I discovered the spiritual world of Quintessences, aimed at freeing our energy flow in an even more subtle and ethereal way, and also perfect for meditation.

How to choose the alchemical bottle of Aura-Soma that is right for you? In my experience, the key factor in choosing your own bottle is the intuition of the moment. Based on my mood and need, it has always been a specific colour, aroma, crystal, or even name, to call me and ask to be chosen. Or, as the Tibetan Masters in Nepal taught me during my travels: “Follow your heart”.

© Aura-Soma

So which are my favourite Aura-Soma? I have certainly always used the super popular Pomander Pink and Pomander White a lot, but perhaps my absolute favourite Pomander is Violet, with its mysterious and evocative tones of violet, infused with amethyst and Ylang-Ylang, Rose, Violet, Iris, Lavender, and Eucalyptus essential oils. I would also mention the Deep Magenta, with its warm and enveloping tones, called ‘The Protector of Protectors’, and the sumptuous Royal Blue, infused with sapphire and Myrrh, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, and Rose. Among Quintessences, I love St. Germaine – ‘Alchemical Transformation’ -, Orion and Angelica – ‘Cyclical travel, End and new beginnings’ -, and Holy Grail – ‘Receptivity and openness to inner communication’.

Before going to bed tonight, I think I will let myself be enveloped by Royal Blue… And you?

© Aura-Soma

Shall we discover together the Aura-Soma most suitable for you, or would you like an all-round energy balancing and healing session with me, surrounded by the magic of colours, crystals and aromas?

Contact me here, or on Facebook or Instagram!