
Let Go and Let Goddess

Food for thought on the Goddess path

I’ve decided to open a new series on my social media channels, proposing little pearls of wisdom by and by. Food for thought to tell a bit more about myself and my beliefs, and to get to know your experiences too!


Today’s pearl is “Let Go and Let Goddess”, and the concept of “Surrender”. The English saying reads ‘Let Go and Let God’, but my sensitivity and Goddess spirituality read it as female.


Let go, let go of your willpower, let yourself be guided by intuition and Goddess. Not with passivity, but with full Confidence that she is guiding you on the right path.


I like to meditate with this thought at sunset, at dusk, and I feel that the more I let go and follow my intuition, the more I am moving towards my true happiness and desires.


What is your relationship with intuition and spirituality?

Let me know on my Instagram, Facebook, and subscribe to my magical Newsletter to keep updated on all news and events!