

@ Anna Travelling Priestess

On the day of Saint Ambrose, Patron of the City of Milan, the 7th of December 2022, the Milan International Goddess Temple © is born by the hand and vision of Anna Travelling Priestess, Priestess of Goddess and of Avalon trained at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.

The Milan International Goddess Temple © is a physical, itinerant and virtual space, conceived and conducted by Anna Travelling Priestess, Priestess of Goddess and of Avalon, in the spiritual tradition of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple in the United Kingdom.

The Milan International Goddess Temple © is the only recognised Temple, in the territory of Milan and Lombardy, in the Avalonian tradition of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple and in the teachings initiated by its Founder Kathy Jones and subsequently developed and expanded by the Priest/esses of Goddess and of Avalon who trained there.

The Milan International Goddess Temple © is a spiritual and cultural place of gathering, learning, support, collaboration, and celebration, with a local and regional as well as international approach, through activities held in Italian and English, answering to the multicultural and international soul and construct of Milan.

The Milan International Goddess Temple © is a pan-spiritual and inclusive reality at 360 degrees, and represents a place of learning, sharing and spreading of the culture and spirituality of Goddess and of the divine based on values ​​such as:

  • Partnership and harmonious co-creation in respect and appreciation of differences;
  • Respect for life in all its forms, also including environmental and animal protection;
  • Proactivity and support in the re-formulation of a healthy society deeply rooted in the mind, body, and soul;
  • Concrete action towards a cyclical, inclusive and non-patriarchal vision of the experience of the individual and of the community.

The Milan International Goddess Temple © offers community and individual activities such as:

  • Ceremonies and celebrations; women, men and mixed circles;
  • Courses and trainings in the disciplines inherent to the Temple’s scope;
  • Handfastings, rites of passage, naming ceremonies and funerals;
  • Individual counselling and mentoring consultations;
  • Holistic treatments for energy rebalancing and attunement;
  • Organisation of spiritual tours and pilgrimages;
  • Participation and/or organisation of conferences, academic collaborations and editorial projects.

The Milan International Goddess Temple © is dedicated in devotion to the Lady of Avalon and her Priestess Morgan Le Fay, as per spiritual path of the Priestess Founder of Milan’s Temple itself. However, reflecting its multiculturalism and openness, the Temple welcomes and embraces the interpretation of Goddess and of the divine according to each and everyone’s own inclination, and honours the ancient Great Goddesses who have shaped the history and very foundations of the city: Belisama and Minerva, as well as Brigantia, Reitia, and beyond.

In addition, the Milan International Goddess Temple © entertains and promotes an active, open and fluid collaboration with other Temples of similar roots on the Italian and international territory, as well as with the individual Priest/esses of Avalon and/or of other dedications but with similar Values, Experience, and Goals.

* The Milan International Goddess Temple © is a private space and a private entity and, as such, reserves the right to accept or refuse entry and participation in activities and offerings at its total decision and discretion.

*Each activity proposed by the Milan International Goddess Temple © should not be understood in any way as a substitute for any of the medical and/or psychological disciplines and/or therapies, for which individuals are referred to the relevant healthcare professionals.

About Anna Travelling Priestess

Anna Travelling Priestess is a researcher of ancient Northern European archaeology and history. Italian by birth and resident in Milan, she lived over ten years between Iceland and the United Kingdom, where she obtained with First Class Honours a BA in Old Norse and Modern Icelandic, a MA in Old and Modern Icelandic, and a PhD in Old Norse. Having returned to Italy, she now combines her profession in the field of communications with her passion for historical and philological research and for the rediscovery of the sacred, also thanks to her broad specialisations in the spiritual and holistic fields. She is Priestess of the Goddess and of Avalon trained at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple in the United Kingdom, and is constantly dedicated to spreading Goddess spirituality in Italy through her online channels and in-person events. She is Founder and Director of the Milan International Goddess Temple ©.

Anna can be contacted through her website, or via email at, as well as on her Facebook and Instagram social media channels: Anna Travelling Priestess.

‘In Devotion to the Lady of Avalon’ – Music by Elsa Field