
Jack O’Lantern Tarot

By Giuliano Costa and Rachel Paul, Ed. Lo Scarabeo


As you read this blog article, I suggest you play this music in the background… Do you recognise it? It is the soundtrack of Sleepy Hollow, my beloved cult movie by Tim Burton, based on Washington Irving’s wonderful novel The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

© Paramount Pictures

“I think there is a bit of a witch in you, Katrina … Because you have bewitched me.” – Here is the famous exchange between the two protagonists of the story which, in its magical atmosphere suspended between two worlds, reminded me very much of the Jack O’Lantern Tarot deck.

© Anna The Traveller

Perhaps it is Giuliano Costa’s evocative illustrations, or the tradition full of mystery of Lo Scarabeo’s editions: the omnipresent carved pumpkins of these tarot cards immediately reminded me of the movie’s Headless Knight, as well as of Samhain or – to remain in North America – Halloween

The ancient pagan festival of Samhain marked the end of the year and the beginning of the new one, a time when the veil between the world of the living and that of spirits was very thin, thus allowing communication between the two dimensions.

Assimilated by Christianity as All Hallows ‘Eve, or All Saints’ Eve, this magical night is still celebrated today as Halloween, with the traditional Jack O’Lantern pumpkins, which replaced the carved turnips of ancient times.

The Jack O’Lantern Tarot deck, with its warm orange and purple illustrations, reminds me of these atmospheres: connection, mystery, and a touch of magic.

© Anna The Traveller

My favourite cards from this deck? In truth, very many, such as the Nine and the Page of Pentacles, the Three and the Eight of Cups, and the Death card.

The cards are accompanied by a booklet, which also describes a ‘Pumpkin Patch’ spread: I would say perfect for the theme!

I promote the Jack O’Lantern Tarot deck, and definitely suggest it as a deck to use in preparation for the magical night of Samhain / Halloween, or as a very welcome gift for this season. You will not regret it.

To book a tarot reading with me, you can contact me by email at or on my social media channels, Instagram and Facebook, where you can also follow all my activities and offerings.

Until next time!

Anna 💜